به نام خدا در این پست آموزشی قصد دارم هندبوک Scale up in Chemical Engineering را به شما دوستان معرفی کنم. شما می توانید این هندبوک را که شامل سرفصل های زیر می باشد خریداری نمایید. سرفصل ها عبارتنداز : Introduction Dimensional analysis Generation of Pi-sets by matrix transformation Scale-invariance hellip; تعداد صفحات : 225 ...
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Scale-up in Chemical Engineering - Google Books Result
Marko Zlokarnik - 2006 - Science
10 (1992) 4, 1081–1095: Dimensionless numbers and groups for drying 44
Handbook of Industrial Mixing – Science and Practice (E.L. Paul, V.A.
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T. Michael Duncan, Jeffrey A. Reimer - 1998 - Technology & Engineering
Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 5th ed., McGraw- Hill, New York. ... Dimensional
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Stefan Dübel, Janice M. Reichert - 2014 - Science
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Tanase Gh. Dobre, José G. Sanchez Marcano - 2007 - Science
6.21 M. Zlokarnik, Scale-up in Chemical Engineering, JohnWiley, New York,
2000. 6.22 C. W. Robert, J. A. Melvin (Eds.), Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
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Frank Kreith - 2000 - Technology & Engineering
Dimensional Analysis and Scale-Up in Chemical Engineering. Springer- Verlag.
Berlin. 2.4 Hydraulics of Pipe Systems /. Paul Tullis Basic Computations ...The CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, Second Edition - Google Books Result
D. Yogi Goswami - 2004 - Technology & Engineering
... reconsidered. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow. 8(2):99–103. Zlokarnik, M. 1991.
Dimensional Analysis and Scale-Up in Chemical Engineering. Springer-Verlag,