With FastReport.Net, you can create application-independent .Net reports. In other words, FastReport.Net can be used as a standalone reporting tool.Includes powerful visual report designer for creating and modifying the reports. Your application can run the designer from the code.Includes online report designer for ASP.Net (only in Enterprise edition)Connect to any database, use any of its tables or create queriesAdd dialogue form(s) to your report to prompt for parameters before ...
از این ابزار برای توسعه سیستم های VOIP استفاده میشود که به توسعه دهندگان نرم افزار اجازه اضافه کردن قابلیت تماس صوتی و تصویری را در برنامه های دات نت را میدهد. از بزرگترین مزایای این ابزار این است که میتوان نسبت به مدریت تعداد زیادی از تماس ها بصورت همزمان اقدام نمود. از ...
If you have ever wanted to store data temporarily in your Delphi Win32/Win64/MacOS, C++ Builder or FPC application, and you at the same time wanted full access to the data as if they were stored in a database table, you have the right solution here. kbmMemTable is a full TDataset compatible in memory table loaded with functionality.Partial featureset:No need for the BDE. Make a full fledged application with data storage using only kbmMemTable.Fastest memory table around. Benchmark 1 ...
TVideoGrabber is a video capture/media player SDK for development of Csharp, VB, C++, Delphi, C++Builder, and ActiveX-compatible applications. TVideoGrabber captures and records video and audio streams from video capture devices supplied with a DirectShow driver like USB webcams, USB analog capture devices, HD PCI cards, desktop, as well as from set of bitmaps used as video source. After installing the Multipurpose DirectShow Encoder Filter, it is possible to record or stream in many ...
FastReport VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport reg; provides all the tools necessary for developing reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in Embarcadero (ex Borland and CodeGear) Delphi 7-XE8 and C++Builder 2005-XE8, Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle. Report generator FastReport VCL is a modern solution for integrating Business Intelligence ...
GemBox.Spreadsheet is a .NET component that enables developers to read, write, convert and print spreadsheet files (XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV, HTML, PDF or XPS) from their .NET applications using one simple API. GemBox.Spreadsheet requires only .NET Framework and is many times faster than Microsoft Excel automation. GemBox.Spreadsheet Free is free of charge while GemBox.Spreadsheet Professional is a commercial version licensed per developer. Server deployment is royalty ...